Cy-Fair Professional Firefighters Association Local 5248

Cy-Fair Professional Fire Fighters Association Local 5248 represents Suppression and EMS members of the Cy-Fair Fire Department. We strive to build and maintain strong relationships with elected officials and command staff while ensuring the Cy-Fair community receives the very best Fire and EMS protection. When you call 9-1-1 members of Local 5248 put it all on the line to ensure the Cy-fair community remains a safe community while also striving to be an integral part of our community away from the emergency scenes. Whether a 9-1-1 Emergency or local community event we look forward to being a part of and serving the amazing Cy-Fair community.

Make a donation.

Your contribution will help the Cy-Fair Fire Fighters Charitable Fund to support your local community. Not to mention your support is a 100% tax-deductible business expense!
